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Foundry Point – A Place for Young People to Belong, Contribute and Thrive.

YMCA Derbyshire are in the middle of a major capital build, working in partnership with Nottingham Community Housing Association. Find out more here.

Foundry Point – affordable housing for young people.

YMCA Derbyshire are in the middle of a major capital build, working in partnership with Nottingham Community Housing Association as part of the Blue Skies consortium, our Foundry Point development will provide 60 affordable self-contained flats on land which formed part of the Rolls Royce estate on Cotton Lane.

This derelict ex-foundry site, due to its shape, offers limited regeneration potential.

The project was initiated following an extensive piece of work through the YMCA movement, which consists of 87 YMCAs across England and Wales. The movement examined the housing market from a young person’s perspective and found that young people entering work or on low wages faced considerable barriers in accessing the housing market. Affordable and social housing is in short supply, and the private sector requires references, deposits, and rent in advance, making this sort of housing beyond the reach of the young people YMCAs support.

Housing for the Future

The scheme has been designed to be energy efficient, with each flat having its own bathroom and kitchen area. The flats will be fully furnished, with enhanced services such as broadband connectivity.

Designed to be economical to rent and run, the scheme targets young people (18-30) entering their first independent tenancy. The scheme will offer dedicated low-level support to young people who need it, with increased levels available to help them sustain their independent living.

Two flats will be fully adapted for disabled tenants.

To the rear of the property, there will be a large green space, along with adequate provision for car and cycle parking and electric vehicle charging points.

Completing our YMCA Housing Pathways

Over 60 young people will initially benefit from Foundry Point, with a maximum stay of 2-3 years.

This number is expected to increase to around 200 young people over a 10-year period.

This support will enable us to keep rents affordable for our young people.

Foundry Point will complete our YMCA’s housing pathway. It will enable many of the young people we support to live independently, sustain tenancies and employment, and progress positively along their pathways.

Become a Foundry Point Partner

YMCA Derbyshire is embarking on a capital appeal. We are seeking partners to sponsor individual flats for £5,000.

This will support the ‘fit-out’ of our transitional housing flats, including:

• White Goods

• Furniture

• Blinds

• Flooring


As Foundry Point Partners, you can receive:

• A plaque to recognise your support inside our building.

• Recognition as a Foundry Partner in promotional materials and press releases.

• Regular updates on the journeys of our young people as they transition through Foundry Point.

To find out more please view our Foundry Point prospectus here or pledge your support please contact: aspirationalhousing@ymcaderbyshire.org.uk.

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