Thanks to National Lottery players, the project will support 30 young people who have experienced homelessness and/or barriers to employment/learning. These project participants will be YMCA Derbyshire residents or young people engaged in training and education programmes at YMCA Key College.
The project aims to engage the young people in exploring key heritage and conservation sites in Derby and Derbyshire to understand the employment opportunities linked to these in the past and present. This will be done through projects, 1-1 coaching, group activities and essential work placements/volunteering to facilitate each young person’s successful journey into employment.
Cromford Mills, the Museum of Making, and Derbyshire Wildlife Trust are partners within the project each providing workshops, delivered by their education teams to explore their sites and resources to inform and excite project participants.
“YMCA Derbyshire is immensely grateful for the support from National Lottery players and The National Lottery Heritage Fund. This funding will enable young people who may not have the opportunity to visit and engage in activities related to their local heritage to access these places and learn about their rich history. We are excited to be working with our three project partners, Cromford Mills, The Museum of Making, and Derbyshire Wildlife Trust to explore the past and present of employment within the local area and take our participants on a journey to explore this. The project will enrich their knowledge and skills to build their CV’s and assist them in finding meaningful work for the future”.
There are many ways in which you can support YMCA Derbyshire in our mission to support young people in local the area.
By donating, you will enable us to continue providing the specialised support we believe every young person deserves. You can sign up for a regular monthly donation or make a one-off payment. To donate and for further information about what your donation can provide, click the button below.
There are various ways you can get involved. You may wish to take part in an exercise challenge, have your very own Sleep Easy at any time of year or Small Talks Big Difference Tea Talk event. We’ve included more information below and we’d love to hear your ideas too.
Partnerships can make a lifetime of difference; by choosing us as your ‘Charity of the Year’, you can help us in our mission to change the lives of young people in Derbyshire. For the many ways to get involved, and the benefits of a partnership with us, click the button below.
By volunteering with us, you could change a life! By volunteering with YMCA Derbyshire, you will have a part in helping us achieve our goals and positively impact lives of our learners, residents and local community. For further information about volunteering, click below.