YMCAD | Our Stories

Meet Sophie

Due to polycystic kidney disorder, growing up was already difficult for Sophie. Then, when she was 13, she was diagnosed with a global learning disability, meaning life got even more complicated for her. Find out how we have helped Sophie with her education.

“When my mum was pregnant with me, she found out I had a kidney problem and it was unlikely I would survive, but she didn’t give up on me – I beat the odds. However, at the age of four I was placed into foster care. I was moved around a lot and never felt like I was at home anywhere.”

Due to her polycystic kidney disorder, growing up was quite difficult for Sophie. She had to be very careful not to run around and get as involved with play as other children as the disorder was triggered by high blood pressure. When Sophie was 13, she was also diagnosed with a global learning disability, meaning her life got even more complicated. Some secondary schools find it difficult to handle these kinds of disabilities and unfortunately for Sophie she was asked to leave by several of them.

“Eventually I was able to move home and I started at YMCA Key College. I’ve now passed my entry 3 level catering, meaning I have moved up to Level 1. I’m also working on level 1 English and Maths. My favourite staff are Rebecca, Paula, Yasmine and Bianca. YMCA Key College is the best college ever. This is the first time I’ve ever got 100% in college or school. I can’t thank the staff enough for what they do for me. Since I’ve been at the YMCA I have been more happy in myself.”

“YMCA Key College is the best college ever. This is the first time I’ve ever got 100% in college or school. I can’t thank the staff enough for what they do for me. Since I’ve been at the YMCA I have been more happy in myself.”

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Meet Alfie

Alfie joined YMCA Stepping Stones in 2022. His guardian recently wrote to the team at the nursery to express their gratitude for the care he has received.

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Meet Milo

Milo found school very difficult and struggled with his teachers. He felt he wasn’t very understood. Milo left school at 14 but found YMCA Key College a while after.
Now, he’s flourishing in ways he never thought imaginable.

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Meet Nathan

Having spent two years living a reclusive life, Nathan didn’t communicate with anyone – he’d given up and had no motivation. Find out how YMCA Derbyshire provided him with friends for life and dramatically increased his confidence.

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Meet Michael

Michael had a tough life due to difficult living arrangements with family members and foster carers. After an argument with his father, Michael found himself in the care of YMCA Derbyshire. Find out how we have helped him to have a better outlook on life.

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