Our Childcare | Affordable, Quality Childcare

HAF Provision

We are proud to work in partnership with Derby City Council to deliver our FREE HAF (Holiday Activity Food) Club. Our experienced and qualified team provide a safe and friendly environment where your child can take part in a variety of fun learning games and activities and enjoy a nutritious lunch.

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme aims to provide support for families in Derby by providing free activities and meals during school holidays and beyond. The fund aims to achieve the following for children and young people:

  • Access to enriching activities that they may not otherwise be able to attend.
  • Enjoy learning new skills.
  • Meeting friends and socialising, reducing social isolation during school holidays.
  • Have a healthy and nutritious meal.
  • Take part in physical and creative activities.
  • Build greater knowledge of health and nutrition.

The Holiday Activities and Food Programme Project is funded by the Department for Education. For more information please visit the Derby City Council Website.

The YMCA Y-Kidz HAF Provision is FREE to attend-but you must register and have a HAF Code.

YMCA Y-Kidz HAF will run Mon-Friday (Excluding Wednesday)

Monday 30th December 10am-2pm

Tuesday 31st December 10am-2pm

Thursday 2nd January 10am-2pm

Friday 3rd January 10am-2pm


Markeaton Primary School,Bromley Street, Derby DE22 1HL

Dale Community Primary School, Porter Rd, Belvoir St, Derby DE23 6NL

Important Information

Please read the important information regarding our Holiday Clubs below, to ensure your child has everything they need.

How do I get my HAF Code?

If your child is in receipt of benefits related free school meals and would like to book a Holiday Activities and Food place in the School holidays, you will need a unique code.

Your child’s school should have shared a letter or email with you containing your child’s code. The new codes issued from February 2024 onwards will remain with your child while they attend their current school. Please keep the code in a safe place as you will need this for future bookings. If you lose your code, please contact your child’s school.

Is my Child Eligible?

The Holiday Activities and Food Programme is for children who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals. Eligible children can attend holiday sessions with free activities and nutritious meals. There are a number of providers offering a range of activities in wards all across the city.

Dress for Fun Activities

Children should wear suitable clothing (for indoor and outdoor activities) for a fun packed day, trainers and a raincoat. Please note that children should not be dressed in sandals or open-toe shoes.

Any Specific Needs?

If your child has any specific needs such as dietary, medical/health or behavioural, please let us know before your child attends the club.

New to our Booking System?

Y-Kidz Policies & Procedures

Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014), we ask that all parents/carers read our policies linked below.

If you require hard copies, please ask a member of our on-site Y-Kidz team.

We also offer Wraparound & Holiday Clubs at other schools

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